
We’re going to go from a simple application without configman, to a simple application with configman.


Suppose we write an app similar to the echo command line program in Unix and Linux. Our app, though reverses the lettering of each word:

def backwards(x):
    return x[::-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    output_string = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
    print backwards(output_string)

When run it could look something like this:

$ ./tutorial01.py Peter was here
ereh saw reteP

Now, suppose you want to add some more options that can be selected at run time. For example, it could remove all vowels from reversed string. So you can do this:

$ ./tutorial02.py --devowel Lars was here
rh sw srL

First, let’s improve our business logic to add this new feature:

def backwards(x):
    return x[::-1]

import re
vowels_regex = re.compile('[AEIOUY]', re.IGNORECASE)

def devowel(x):
    return vowels_regex.sub('', x)

Now we need configman to enable the run time option for removing the vowels from the input string. It will take the form of a command line switch. If, at run time, the switch is present, we’ll use the devowel function. If the switch is not present, we won’t use the function.

To add this option we create an option container. These containers are called namespaces and have a method that allows us to define our command line options.

Here’s a function that sets up a namespace with a single option:

from configman import Namespace, ConfigurationManager
def define_config():
    definition = Namespace()

Before we can use this option definition, we need to wrap it up in a ConfigurationManager instance that is able to cook it up for us correctly:

config_manager = ConfigurationManager(definition)
config = config_manager.get_config()

That’s all! That last line returned an instance of what we call a DotDict. It is essentially a standard Python dict that’s had its __getattr__ cross wired with its __getitem__ method. This means that we can access the values in the dict as if they were attributes. Watch how we access the value of devowel in the full example below:

from configman import Namespace, ConfigurationManager

def backwards(x, capitalize=False):
    return x[::-1]

import re
vowels_regex = re.compile('[AEIOUY]', re.IGNORECASE)

def devowel(x):
    return vowels_regex.sub('', x)

def define_config():
    definition = Namespace()
    return definition

if __name__ == '__main__':
    definition = define_config()
    config_manager = ConfigurationManager(definition)
    config = config_manager.get_config()
    output_string = ' '.join(config_manager.args)
    if config.devowel:
        output_string = devowel(output_string)
    print backwards(output_string)

When run, you get what you expect:

$ ./tutorial02.py Peter was here
ereh saw reteP
$ ./tutorial02.py --devowel Peter was here
rh sw rtP

In the tutorial01.py example, we fetched the command line arguments using the reference to argv from the sys module. We couldn’t do that in the second tutorial because sys.argv included the command line switch --devowel. We don’t want that as part of the output. configman offers a version of the command line arguments with the switches removed. That’s the config_manager.args reference inside the join.


Now let’s expand some of the more powerful features of configman to see what it can help us with. Let’s start with the help. You invoke the help simply by running it like this:

$ ./tutorial02.py --help

That’s set up automatically for you. As you can see, it mentions, amongst other things, our --devowel option there. Let’s change the definition of the option slightly to be more helpful:

def define_config():
    definition = Namespace()
      doc='Removes all vowels (including Y)',

Now, when running --help it will explain our option like this:

-d, --devowel    Removes all vowels (including Y)

Let’s add another option so that we can get our text from a file instead of the command line. The objective is to get a file name from a --file or -f switch. We’ll set the default to be the empty string. If the user doesn’t use the switch, the value for this will be the empty string:

  doc='Filename that contains our text',

Excellent! The whole thing together looks like this now:

from configman import Namespace, ConfigurationManager

def backwards(x, capitalize=False):
    return x[::-1]

import re
vowels_regex = re.compile('[AEIOUY]', re.IGNORECASE)

def devowel(x):
    return vowels_regex.sub('', x)

def define_config():
    definition = Namespace()
      doc='Removes all vowels (including Y)',
      doc='file name for the input text',
    return definition

if __name__ == '__main__':
    definition = define_config()
    config_manager = ConfigurationManager(definition)
    config = config_manager.get_config()
    if config.file:
        with open(config.file) as f:
            output_string = f.read().strip()
        output_string = ' '.join(config_manager.args)
    if config.devowel:
        output_string = devowel(output_string)
    print backwards(output_string)

And it’s executed like this:

$ cat > foo.txt
Peter works for Mozilla.^d
$ ./tutorial03.py  --file foo.txt
.allizoM rof skrow reteP
$ ./tutorial03.py --file foo.txt -d
.llzM rf skrw rtP

Persistent config files

Our examples so far have been very much about the command line. The whole point of using configman is so you can use various config file formats to provide configuration information to your programs. The real power of configman isn’t to wrap executable command line scripts but its ability to work ecumenically with config files.

To get started, let’s have our program itself write a configuration file for us. The easiest way is to use the --admin.dump_conf option that is automatically available. It offers different ways to output.

  • ini
  • conf
  • json
  • xml (future enhancement, if requested)

Let’s, for the sake of this tutorial, decide to use .ini files:

$ ./tutorial03.py --admin.dump_conf=./backwards.ini

This will write out a default configation file in ini format. configman figured that out by the file extension that you specified. If you had used ‘json’ instead, configman would have written out a json file:

$ ./tutorial03.py --admin.dump_conf=./backwards.ini
$ cat backwards.ini
# name: devowel
# doc: Removes all vowels (including Y)

# name: file
# doc: Filename that contains our text

Any of the command line switches that you specify along with the --dump_conf switch will appear as the new defaults in the config file that is written:

$ python backwards.py --admin.dump_conf=./backwards.ini --file=/tmp/foo.txt
$ cat backwards.ini
# name: devowel
# doc: Removes all vowels (including Y)

# name: file
# doc: Filename that contains our text

Next, let’s make our app always read from this file to get its defaults. To do that, we’re going to modify what is known as the hierarchy of value sources. configman, when determining what values to give to your option definitions, uses a list of sources. By default, it first checks the operating system environment. If the names of your options match anything from the environment, configman will pull those values in, overriding any defaults that you specified. Next it looks to the command line. Any values that it fetches will override the defaults as well as the environment variables.

If this default hierarchy of value sources doesn’t suit you, you may specify your own hierarchy. In our example, we’re going to want our configuration file to be the base value source. Then we want the environment variables and finally the command line. We can specify it like this:

value_sources = ('./backwards.ini', os.environ, getopt)

configman will walk this list, applying the values that it finds in turn. First it will read your ini file (you may want to use an absolute path to specify your ini file name). Second, we pass in a dict that represents the operating system environment. Interestingly, you can use any dict-like object that you want as a source. Third, we’re telling configman to use the getopt module to read the command line. In the future, we’ll have the argparse module available here.

To use this value source, we must specify it in the constructor:

config_manager = ConfigurationManager(definition,

Now, the program will read from the ./backwards.ini config file whenever the application is run.

Suppose we change the last line of the file backwards.ini to instead say:


And then create that file like this:

$ echo "Socorro" > /tmp/bar.txt

Now, our little program is completely self-sufficient:

$ ./tutorial04.py

Even though we’re using a config file, that doesn’t mean that we’ve eliminated the use of the command line. You can override any configuration parameter from command line:

$ ./tutorial04.py --devowel
$ ./tutorial04.py We both work at Mozilla --file=
allizoM ta krow htob eW

More advanced options

We just covered how to turn a simple application to one where the configuration is done entirely by a ini file. Note: we could have chosen json or conf instead of ini and the program would be completely unchanged. Only your taste of config file format changed.